Students and Artificial Intelligence

Let's be honest. Students are already using AI tools on their own, whether or not they're old enough or have permission. But they're not just using them to do their homework. In this episode, Matt and Holly share what they're hearing from teachers and students about how they're using AI to learn deeply -- and paint a picture of how it can be used to engage students and level up learning.


AI for Educators book by Matt Miller

Artificial intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the internet, or even electricity.

It’s bound to change education. (It already has.) But how?

AI for Educators is a readable guide for educators.

  • It translates AI through a teacher lens.
  • It provides practical ideas you can use in class right away.
  • It unlocks powerful ways to streamline teaching and save time.
  • It also paints a picture of the future our students will face—and provides questions you can help them grapple with.

We can use AI to empower teaching and learning. And it can start today.

The AI Infused Classroom book by Holly Clark

Ready or not . . . AI is here. Now. And it has concerned and curious educators asking questions:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of artificial intelligence (AI) models, like ChatGPT?
  • How do ChatGPT and other large language models change things like the writing process?
  • What do we need to understand about large language models (LLMs) and AI’s ability to transform how—and how quickly—we can communicate with our students and peers?
  • How can we teach students to use AI appropriately and in ways that enhance their learning experiences?

With the right mindset, the right questions, and the right strategies, you can use AI to create and broaden meaningful learning experiences for every student.


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Choosing AI Tools for Schools
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